Saturday 17 March 2018

Back home

So I've returned to Finland. Exactly a week ago, on Saturday, together with father who came to Kyoto with a big, empty suitcase. It's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate in half a year. I even imagined I'd not been buying that many things.... 😄 Now I'm home with all that stuff and half of it is still lying in the suitcases/is spread all around the apartment. I'll get to it, one of these days...

Funny thing: I don't normally have much trouble with time zones. Going to Japan I was ok in a day or so. Now it's taken me whole week to get over the jet lag. At least I'm not anymore getting totally sleepy around 4/5 pm. I do wake early, though. Usually before 7 am (and for me that's absolutely abnormal)... not that I'd get up yet at that time.

That culture shock I talked about never happened. The reverse one hasn't really happened here, either, though (probably partly because I'm so tired) for a while I was getting all confused with my cards. I kept on looking for the big student card we had in Kyoto when I needed my student card here, and similarly wondered where on earth had I put the icoca card when they were checking tickets on train.... >_>

It's fun to be home and see people and places (and go to sauna and eat salmiakki.... ^^) but I still miss Kyoto. Loved that city, I will go there again some day, somehow. Half a year was such a short time... if you are planning an exchange period and wondering whether to do full year or just half, go for the full, if you just can. Time passes incredibly fast there, months just fly by.

I'll still have a few updates coming for this blog, stuff I've been planning to write for a month or so now.... Still have that unfinished Naha post waiting, for one thing. Also, stuff about the classes & some recs etc I've on my mind. I'll get to that, too, one of these days....

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